At TopChild, we aim at 100% customer satisfaction. We inform you of the progress of your child every week. You know exactly what has been taught, and how well your child has understood by examining our weekly progress report. You can also tailor your child's tutoring by specifying how much homework should be assigned, whether weekly tests should be included, and many other details.

One-To-One tutoring

This applies to Grade 1 to 6 students who have not got at least A- in day school report cards. After one year of One-To-One tutoring on a subject in our center, if your child has followed all the instructions and completed successfully all the assigned work from our tutor, but still has not got a better day school report card for that particular subject, you can get back from TopChild a credit equivalent to half of what you have paid during that year for that subject. You can use this credit to enroll in any TopChild programs.

Enrichment class

Our Enrichment Class has weekly test and homework. If your child has completed all the assignments on time and has got "A" in all our tests and completed workbooks, your child should see improvements in his/her day school report card on that particular subject after one year in TopChild. If not, you can get back from TopChild a credit equivalent to half of what you have paid during that year for that subject. You can use this credit to enroll in any TopChild programs.

Four locations to serve you

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Help your children succeed in school and achieve their dreams by enrolling them in Topchild today. You can register by calling or emailing.